
Three programs to upgrade the Lakers point guard: Steve Nash chase transaction protection Lordaeron

About the Los Angeles Lakers biggest weakness is already an open secret, that is the point guard position, and with Fisher's age has increased year on the 1st bit of the crisis

worse. Lakers point guard position how to
Soccer Jerseys reinforce the strength? "Los Angeles Times," the expert Mark - Medina lists three options, to help upgrade military

purple No. 1 position.

1,2012 chase DeLong, Paul
In this year's free market, what is the point guard position is really no good players, hard to find a solution to the problem for the Lakers an excellent point guard. For the

Lakers, perhaps you should look a little too long that waiting for the end of the 2011-12 season, Deron - Williams, Chris Paul - the two league's top point guard became a free

agent will sign one of them They came to the Lakers any, can greatly enhance the team's strength, making the purple army to re-win the championship with the strength. But if you

want to wait for next year chase Delong, Paul, then, that this year the Lakers to make a choice to give up, to control their own salary structure, to know that next season's

salary DeLong and Paul more than $ 16 million.

2, the transaction chasing Nash, Augustine
If the Lakers do not want to wait until 2012,
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Iban Coase and 2014 first-round pick in exchange for the Charlotte Bobcats point guard Augustine Jadi DI-op. Diop does not bring much help to the Lakers, but can reduce wage

pressures for the Bobcats, making the deal can happen, and last season's 23-year-old Augustine has made tremendous progress, his athleticism, personal ability to score, can

bring great help to the Lakers.

Another program, the Lakers may have the opportunity to get Steve - Nash, in particular, the Suns are considering the history of their team's greatest players away for a

thorough reconstruction. Lakers' Lamar Odom can be used, Iban Coase plus future draft picks to trade Steve Nash, if the deal can be reached, then the Lakers point guard problem

will be resolved soon. Nash is still the league's top five point guard, still have the ability to play a long time, he will be a great liberation of Bryant's possession, and

make the inside of Bynum, Gasol has been more comfortable attacking opportunities.

3, the internal tap
- Mike Brown and his new coaching staff has said it will not follow the triangle offense, which means that the role of Fisher's sharp drop in the next season will lose the main

location. And Blake, rookie Dali Si - Morris
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No. 1 position.

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