
Miami Heat center is not to find the weakest point guard position might as well sign Battier

"Florida Sun Sentinel" columnist Ira - Undeman answered fans' questions, Undeman that Miami is not the most in need of reinforcing the position of the center position, but if the Heat are looking for a point guard, but
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Fans: We often hear the Heat need a point guard on the discussion, we always heard that Dwyane - Wade is a natural point guard, he also needs to take up this role. Then we heard, LeBron - James is a point guard, like "Magic" Johnson did. So we have two point guards do not want to play that position, in my opinion is the time Pat Riley - to find several players conversation.

Undeman: This is the Miami Heat in the past year trying to solve the problem. Miami Heat point guard in the role of attack is not clear, which resulted in such a sense, the Heat should find someone who can defend every game can hit two or three third point guard. In my opinion, the Heat should go first to a perimeter defender, as players such as Battier.

Fans: the championship is fixed, right?

Undeman: Yes, it is well known thing. David
manchester united jersey - Stern decided to Mark - Mark Cuban's fines over the past year are back to him, but Stern did not want a public apology, and he awarded the Mavericks to a championship way to compensate. If you carefully watch the game video, you will find in the finals of the second field in the fourth quarter, the Heat shot process, NBA staff put the basket on a small, clear plastic shelves. (Obviously, Undeman fans questions in ridicule)

Fans: Jack graduated from the University of Miami - could join the Miami Heat Mike Clinton, by virtue of age advantage and a better shot to replace Eddie - House position?

Undeman: House has implemented a player option to stay in Miami, the Heat have expressed interest in Mike Clinton, but it is clear that the shut down is detrimental to him, because he did not even get a chance to workout .

Fans: I do not understand why you prefer Heat reinforcing the point guard position, you have to see what players on the free market, I would prefer - Mario Chalmers, House, do not want to be Mike - Mike Bibby as players. Therefore, an athletic and sealing ability of the center, the Heat is a more sensible choice. If the Heat can afford Samuel - Durham Porter's salary, then it must be him. Udo Nice - Haslem's injury, the Heat has proven how fragile the inside of the rotation.

Undeman: Joel - Anthony is the kind
usa soccer jersey of center you say, but he can provide insider threat? Also note, do not exaggerate Durham Potter. Feeling the Heat problems, is that when Chris Bosh - to the bench, no one can replace him.
It is composed by kittyshinejerseyscoolcom 07.25.2011

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