
Ultimate meeting! Stern is shut down in one fell swoop: the results on Thursday

According to ESPN reports, NFL Football Jerseys stop seeing clouds around the corner, both sides will officially shut down at the last meeting before. But how many people believe that this last round of talks will suddenly reverse the situation?

Thursday (Beijing time on Friday), at the end of the original labor contract before the deadline a few hours, representatives of both employers and employees will be the last meeting. However, David - Stern claimed http://www.nfljerseyso.com that the two sides still have plenty of time to reach an agreement. On Tuesday the team owner to vote if they agree together to shut down, the majority voted against, and this led both employers and employees in order to avoid a shut down, the driving force for further consultations.

Although both sides claimed that if the talks progress smoothly, you can try again and again after the deadline for some time, but if agreement is not reached, the current labor agreement expires, the employer will have players on closing the door. In this regard, Stern, also said: "In this world nothing is absolute." But he also made it clear that the deadline will not be pushed back: "We never talked about this, we only care about Thursday that meeting, I am confident. "

The last meeting, the labor of most of the players were present, but this time, the two sides will only send a small part of members to participate in the talks. A Union officer Adam - Xi Erwo claim that, new orleans saints jersey while workers in the last meeting did not propose a new proposal, but the league will not determine who talks a sudden upheaval. The Stern also said the negotiations until the last round of talks, but also the labor of the mind: "The talks were shelved last weekend, and they said they knew employers prepared to resume negotiations on Tuesday, and asked whether or delayed to Wednesday Thursday? can we say, no matter which day will do, then they said it on Thursday, we agreed. "

Last meeting employers raised new proposals, including the distribution of benefits to gain more share. Stern said the two sides on the dispute over certain terms is not yet any consensus to wait for labor to respond. "It's hard," Stern said, "We discussed the new contract principles, contents, etc., but the workers did not nod, it is difficult to reach an agreement."

If negotiations fail, it will also be the NBA regular season since the 1998-99 season, has shrunk to 50 games after another shut down. The two sides are still huge differences in pay provisions, employees of the employers http://www.nfljerseyso.com put forward proposals such as a hard salary cap has been very inconsistent. "I firmly believe that both sides want to reach an agreement fail, both parties will feel very sad." Stern said, "because in order to obtain long-term alliance development, in order to further explore the world, the NBA brand, both sides must have the same attitude so that all can benefit the team, so that we can live in a more competitive league. "

At the end, Stern also
new york giants jersey cautioned: "This is a employers, labor and league-win situation, and now we can only look at the labor talks Thursday, the ability to obtain positive results."
It is composed by kittyshinenfljerseysocom 06.30.2011

