
AC milan king close aeration dig Angle key people: Barcelona Barcelona can't afford to buy the most expensive in the world

For AC milan for, this is
nfl jersey hot going to be a introduction to sell more than the season, but at the same time in reinforcements, AC milan also need to

prevent dig Angle, at present, the most valuable team of the star is undoubtedly tiago silva, just yesterday, the promise of varah striker bell tower, he praised him: "is not

only a huge meaning, and it is also the first defender." And yesterday, silva is revealed in his mouth Barcelona of Angle, fortunately he dug himself not to leave AC milan.

Tiago silva is in an interview with Brazilian domestic TV revealed the news, on a zico, called "the years of the program, silva said:" Barcelona contacted the me; but this is

illegal, they should go and AC milan talk, because I just contract in 2016, they should go directly to ask the club." Silva also talked about the impression of Barcelona, "I

once represent Brazil and Barcelona's B team play, they will keep you feel nervous, because they always have the ball all the time."

The news will undoubtedly make AC milan to feel nervous, because tiago silva's Gerry o is the most important player, but also with the AC milan's foundation, he has gradually

become paolo maldini, alessandro nesta, AC milan defence after a new generation of bearer, and at the same time, he is currently the best centre-back in the world, in the

centre-back scarce s, if lost tiago silva, AC milan with millions euros, even if it is difficult to buy to the same good defender, fortunately tiago silva, I sense of belonging

to AC milan, with very strong in a show,
Marshawn Lynch Jersey he express again: "I hope my number 33 shirt can be like the past 6 (baresi shirt)

and 3 (paolo maldini shirt), as in AC milan retired, such a thing has happened in two great players, two of my idol baresi and maldini body."

Although silva has no intention of transfer, but some in a calm summer, always have a media in hope to be a little waves, so some media put the word for "I silva contact

Barcelona, I gave myself for that opportunity, then they should go and AC milan talked about", to this, tiago silva's agent Paul-" solid "in the first time, in addition to the

clear side by side of joining barca silva may, he said:" I hope for everyone to calm down immediately, silva said was part of the media distorted, he just answer to the

reporter's question, but some newspapers malicious twist, translation errors. Silva in AC milan is very happy, and just a contract extension, and if he wants to move, he would

not have to a new contract, at the same time, he may be the world's most expensive player, so, the stories are not exist, this summer, he thought only after the copa America,

with AC milan together for the champions league, it is not easy, but this is an important goal of the team."

AC milan transfer consultant cloth long jersey, said: "even if she is I have seen this report I will not believe, silva is currently the world's best defender, AC milan hope in

Europe to become protagonist, galliani won't fall into the trap, if he wants to sell silva to cash, then a year ago when silva was bid 30 million will sell, he just a contract

extension, so AC milan selling possibility does not exist."

Now, AC milan defenders have tiago silva,
New Jersey Devils Jersey alessandro nesta, philippe mexes, YePeiSi, bonera, may still have to come to a

stowe, but o bonera, and in stockton is at best a substitute, alessandro nesta and YePeiSi all is 35, philippe mexes October to recover from serious injury, sell silva? Unless

AC milan mad.

