
Hud Sike Heat Nowitzki see miraculous emperor named in recognition of that is to say non

James, Dirk Nowitzki
cheap NHL Jersey defensive one on one moment? No, the first in the finals at least, this much anticipated scene did not become a

reality. James, the explanation given is "We defended well in the crucial moment," and this praise, everyone knows that there is a half old captain is to give the Heat Haslem.

Haslem did before his commitment, Dirk Nowitzki scored as much as possible not to go far too much pace, everyone knows the Germans to completely prevent death is impossible, but

Haslem single-handedly, Dirk Nowitzki is at least to the Western Conference finals did not like anything and everything.

"In the finals, the defense is my job, my mission, I will concentrate on a stand on the court to do something," Haslem said.
Anti-Dirk>> The trick is to not lose heart
"He (Dirk Nowitzki) is a great scorer, shooting hand, guarding him, you first need to do is not lose heart. The first defense was that he scored, the second is still to continue

to work hard, think of a certain can interfere with him. "

This is Haslem started in an interview to say the words, as a way to sum up their experiences defending King. In other words, Haslem completely put myself a "blocking loophole"

position: even if scores do not make you uncomfortable score; to the basket, first across my body.

It is this indomitable
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averaging 32.2 points, fell the night with 27 points, hit rate is 55.7% down to 18 from 7-less than four percent. Of course, is determined to have a skill, Anthony of Miami

starting very determined, can be a real time of the previous Nowitzki becomes a bit inexperienced, always left room for rival half-step. In this case,

Nowitzki shot or break whether to do the movements can be very comfortable, do the result is not only to King got points, he still often lose a foul. When Anthony returned to

the bench a look of dismay, Haslem has been clearly

White, the game, if you do not want to let James take too much effort on the defensive end, blocked Nowitzki's responsibility, a person must carry their own down.

Years of competition experience, so that Haslem's defense is much more seasoned than Anthony. Most of the time he will maintain the physical contact with Dirk Nowitzki can be

sometimes, he would front the flexibility behind the King

Continuously transposed around the front, while pass blocking opponents, letting King Mo Buzhun their defensive intent. The erratic defense, so that Nowitzki was felt more

pressure, the most typical is 5.9 seconds before halftime that ball, the ball Nowitzki right side of the bottom line, at first stubbornly stuck Haslem position, then moved away

a little sideways step. King saw chance and wanted to go inside of a turn red, I did not think about their

Just turned around, had originally thought that throw off the Udonis Haslem has been elusive and affixed to the ranks. Electro-optic Flint, the King of a careless, hand the ball

to Chuledixian, the opportunity
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"My job is defense, our team is no shortage of offensive players, I took course work is one of the best players in the playoffs and fight, fight to stop him from moving forward,

all my attention also on the This is it, "Haslem said.

Of course, Haslem has long said that he fully anti-death Nowitzki is not possible. Same time as a fourth offense and defense, Nowitzki also turned toward the basket on the

bottom line, or sideways Haslem

Close, this king did not fall back to the ball, causing Haslem forced off the foul. After landing, your head roar Haslem chagrin, followed by loudly arguing with the referee a

few words he did not foul. But a round

After the attack, when the Mavericks, Udonis Haslem and glued to "stick" in the Snow King's body, forcing him to a close shot wide.
"Our bench gave the team a huge help, especially at the defensive end, they often can provide tremendous energy," Heat coach Spohr Stella after the game, then the field is on

the defensive most Haslem Yes sure.

Section>> Chill can score
Haslem said he put all the defensive attention on Nowitzki above, but in fact, the Heat played the role of captain in the field, but more than that.
After the first final, the
Nashville Predators Jersey technical statistical Haslem is shown "7 points, 6 rebounds, 1 assist, 1

steal." Ranked second in the bench in scoring, rebounds off the bench in the grab is the largest, excluding, in each sub-Haslem are seemingly inadvertently, can often appear

when most needed in Miami, and his rebounds, the Heat of the field is an important guarantee for the Mavericks finished grams.

7 minutes left in the fourth quarter, leading the Heat 72 3 than 69 points, Udonis Haslem missed a jumper in the distance, Mike Miller got the offensive rebound, and immediately

the Bosch top of the key training and preparation, when the Mavericks Some of the defensive formation loose inside after the Chandler exposed to the basket off the top of the

"vacuum", line the basket Haslem immediately rushed to Nowitzki completely behind them, take the hint Bosch and without staying to put the ball Zhise

To the inside, the sea captain of the basket ball is not only easy but also caused the ball into Dirk Nowitzki to catch up to the foul, then a successful three-point play. The

offensive directly to the two point deficit widened to 6 points, it is also since then, the Mavericks exposed powerless state, the score is also widening the Heat until

completely unable to catch up.

After the game, the ball is talked about many of the media, considered to be "the key to decide the outcome of a blow", but as a protagonist, has become the natural focus of

Haslem. However, the sea captain
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as a defense is more than the bonus.

"In the fourth quarter, our team defense was very good at, whether it is all the playoffs tonight, or this year's fourth quarter our defense very well. You see German (Wade),

both for him in the hit the front

Very difficult shot, but also gave back a key blocks Shawn Marion. It is precisely in such circumstances, the defense well, I was able to get on the offensive end are also a

good opportunity to shoot a few times, "Haslem said.

Haslem has never been a purely defensive only coolies, as the Bulls beat the Eastern Conference finals when he scored 13 points in the second war, helping the team win a crucial

victory. At that time, says James: "Haslem's dynamic, active, strong, scores are what we need most of the season." And to the finals, the biggest threat in order to curb the

Mavericks Dirk Nowitzki, while Haslem not hesitate to put himself into a blocking loophole coolies, and good defensive work in the full context, would sneak in to show your own

means of attack.
For what? Perhaps just as he himself
NHL Jersey said: "I'm not like people who live in the past, I now want to win for the team is a new championship trophy."

