
James: Back in the real Jim Black thermal black bar also happy to see how long you

Mavericks at American Airlines
nfl jersey Arena Miami get a trophy, you can imagine that in the next until the next season's playoffs,

LeBron - James will be under tremendous pressure. Yahoo Sports opinion, the end of the finals, it is the beginning of James suffering.

In the sixth before the game, James has been a subject of the outside world questioned. Completely lost in the championship, James said in an interview, "I am looking forward to

the failure of all those people (alluding to those who have been James and Miami's black people), who dreams of one day to wake up from, they must to face their insipid lives,

"said James is full of aggressive," their personal problems will not be any change because I fail, I will continue my life and continue my career, my family and I are also to

continue a happy life. they may be because I and the Heat did not win, but there are so few days, or months, a good time. However, one day, they go back to real life. "opinion

and the fans have been James is a lot of questions, while James such a response, just as fuel.

Last summer, after leaving Cleveland, the Cavaliers could be said to be losses, it also got the fans on the James Cleveland is full of resentment. And this attitude of James, "I

do not really listen to them, how people say that I or my game, I do not mind that. Year after year, in the event of such a thing as me, what other people say or write for I

will not have any impact. "Unfortunately, James will not know the old saying called Chinese have turned upside down. Otherwise, when in response to critics, James is not so

tough. Finals, James averaged
Philadelphia Flyers Jersey just 17.8 points, many times fans saw him as the basketball like a hot

potato to throw out the scene, which, the critics gave the best evidence.

"The only affected me, that I did not play well for his teammates, this is the only things that affect me," even if the final defeat, James is still not changed, "because I am

proud to stand on the court , in order to help his teammates win the game to fight, this is my mind. "defeat in the finals, in the James seems more like a moment of pain, rather

than their capacity. But, his business partners believe that? Nike has been an unnamed executive said the company is eager to see contract players to win. The hapless James, so

far in the finals record is 2-8, this is disappointing.

In James's career, encountered in the playoffs a total of 8 key battle. The results are embarrassing, James lost a full 6 times. And this is 8 games, James is averaging 29.8

field points, 9.4 rebounds and 7.4 assists while shooting 43.1%. The average data playoffs James is averaging 28.0 points, 8.4 rebounds and 7.0 assists, shooting percentage is

46.0%. Clearly, the data or abnormal beautiful James. Only, 06 in the eastern semi-final seven games, 07 Finals fourth, seventh game Eastern Conference semifinals in 2008, 2009

Eastern Conference finals sixth, sixth semi-final for 10 years and this year's Eastern finals six games, James did not win a down.

Data is still beautiful,
Buffalo Sabres Jersey but is not playing results. This year's finals, James also is exposed to this fatal

weakness of the head. Next, he has always been Xingaoqiao, how to face the media and fans criticized it?

