
NOAA has lobbied to admit there have been only screens Bosh Bosh Carlos Boozer Satire

Bulls and Heat to the Eastern Conference finals started, and NOAA admit at this time in the summer, has lobbied Bosh and Carlos Boozer had joined the Bulls, while Boozer's resolute attitude to NOAA happy, while NOAA also believe that Boozer more superior ability to Bibo Shi ... ...
"Chicago Tribune" news, the Bulls and the Heat will soon usher in the Eastern Conference finals showdown, and Noah broke the news in a recent interview in the summer has its own lobby Bosh and Carlos Boozer has
Authentic NFL Jerseys joined the Bulls, he said, In the lobby, when the two players, Boozer on their own position more accurately, Boozer understand what he wants, but now has become his teammate Carlos Boozer, now, they will wave in the Eastern Conference finals challenge even where the Miami Heat.

During last summer, NOAA and Bosh the hotel in Chicago to meet a local joint consultation matters, while Bosh is obviously hesitant, Noah said: "Bosh answer is that he has to depend on what so and so who will make decided, therefore, eventually joined the Bulls that he did not answer. "

The second day of meeting with Chris Bosh, Carlos Boozer and lobbying NOAA also joined the Bulls, Carlos Boozer's attitude is very firm, NOAA reviewed Boozer's answer: "Boozer said to me explicitly, He wanted to join the Bulls, the Bulls that he wanted to join the team. "Ultimately, they do so out, and, Boozer will place in the Eastern Conference finals Bosh.

Last summer, the Bulls have thought the introduction of Wade, James and Bosh in one or two players, but ultimately they failed to do so, even though Boozer A plan may not be the bull, but at least this program Mark Bavaro Jerseys implementation of effective good.

Bosh and Boozer talked about the difference, Ross said: "No matter who they both joined the Bulls, who are playing the same role, but Boozer playing time for us to see his role and value of I do not know if the effect is to join Bosh, but I am sure that Carlos Boozer is the candidate we want. "

Boozer also revealed that he had an extremely willing to join the Bulls: "I told Noah, I will leave Sir, I could rule the inside with Noah, and Ross will be our core, with Deng Almighty, we can do a good job. "At first, Boozer has been satisfied with the lineup against the Bulls.

Although they add up to Boozer and NOAA has missed this season, 57 games, but with outstanding performance and coach Ross Xi Bodu's subtle tactics, the Bulls won 63 games to become the first Eastern, which is a lot of people beginning of the season not been able to expect.

Although many people believe that the ability of Bosh and Carlos Boozer may be comparable, but NOAA is not recognized, in his view, the ability of Bi Boshi Boozer even better: "They are two completely different players, it is obviously they all can score, the same can be scraping rebounds, but the physical point of view, is more lightly armed players Carlos Boozer, and Bosh playing the pick and rollhermes purse can only be at most. They have their strengths, and we have our capacity, in short, this series will certainly be very exciting. "

