
Deep sharp observation: Values ​​vs. King Emperor Miami stronger than that in which the Mavericks

Stallone filmed last year, the Department of "death squads", the film industry was a classic, muscular men, Jagged Han, Lifting the gun to exterminate an independent man armed

groups are concentrated together - Jason -
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the governor did. That is, all over the world have gathered in an old hero, as you see them emerge out of their minds to the pains and sorrows, and then walk away all the story

behind it to blow up a helicopter.

I have to say, the finals in 2011 also have this feeling - the number of bald star pains and sorrows, all chowder in a pot ah. James - Jones, the season of life is closest to

the finals in 2006. That the sun, he was sixth in the Western Conference finals kick. Who? Today's finals opponents Dirk - Dirk Nowitzki. Return to the finals in 2011, and fine

a look right: Five years ago, and kick his teammates to endure with Shawn Marion, Dirk is now standing beside how you? Peja finals from 2002 to step away, is also the seventh

Western Conference Finals Lakers suffered a knife. Revenge this year. Kidd can be holding his hand and said: "Man, I was the Lakers that year suffer a staggering blow ah." Peja

looked up: When the Lakers to play with teammate Mike Bibby to endure, it squatted camp in Miami. The old sun, the old king that the first decade of the 21st century attack two

most gorgeous team, hovering outside in the finals for years. Finally, old and old, into the Finals is that the few Lao Xiongdi, also became rivals. To hear a coincidence it?

Heat into the finals last, the point guard Mike Bibby Sacramento predecessor in the old, white chocolate.

Stevenson saw LeBron, blood red eyes, greeted behind Heywood: see that fellow did not, before Cleveland's 23 ,2006-2008 it is we beat the Wizards in mid ah! Now Arenas, Antawn

Jamison is not, Butler also hurt and had to back Ge Jige our revenge!

Finally the main event, or to fall on
Tampa Bay Lightning Jersey the old foes meet again: five years, and Dirk, Wade, Haslem, Terry - also

met together. Add Dampier, in 2006 when pinch Finals of you, got left on the five still in their respective teams.

Although the final figure is the biggest topic of LeBron - ESPN has started ahead of topics to discuss who he and Michael Jordan who is below the high - but in fact, most of the

story is both husband Dirk and Wade. 2006 NBA Finals, the Mavericks leading heat 2 to 0, the third section of the last half of the Mavericks still lead. It was Dirk life peak.

Then we all know, Wade swept everything. Since then, Dirk started working hard and making. Eight were black in 2007 after the regular season MVP is the shade ,2007-08 pre-season

fell to the bottom half of the state. After the arrival of Jason Kidd, Dirk started to re-fight from 30 years of age. Five years, and finally almost full 33 years of age, he

boiled back to the peak - around in addition to Terry, who have replaced it again.

The other side, Wade took the championship in 2006, follow-up life is not very happy. Sharks injuries, discrete public mind, Riley Hermitage, throw him a mess of the team. His

own injuries, rise up and get in scoring, return to the peak, but continuous sweep the first round alone was. Finally coming to both the 2010 to 2003 session of good friends to

help out, then return to the Finals. Simply put: This is the bitterness of the past five years both the history of man, all you can compile this inspirational novel.

This two year course, is clearly work against fate. Miami ended the Celtics the Eastern Conference semifinals, the Mavericks swept the Lakers for Western Conference semifinals,

the old man kicked out of the east and west each janitor janitor. Heat Eastern Conference Finals 4 to 1 the youngest MVP in the history of the Bulls led the Mavericks to the

Western Conference finals 4 to 1 the
hockey Jersey youngest ever scorer led the Thunder. Probably afraid not enough on even the final fourth east-west, are overtime win;

fifth, are reversed. Thunder out of the previous day when the Mavericks Dirk had just said, "I have to start thinking about the finals," and do not wait Miami the next day - the

whistle three and a half are still lagging behind 12 points? It does not matter, LeBron and Dwyane Wade hit a modifier to open own reversal of the wave, promotion, and not to

wait for Dirk.

