
Heat BIG3 were ranked into five strong second place Texas

ESPN selected the finals ended before the start of the playoffs MVP list. Overview of the 10 list, not difficult to find, it is a microcosm of the playoffs this year, is a large set of keywords: black eight
hockey Jersey miracle, Young Guard, the Big Three, the old and intact it ... ... Let's less gossip and Syria, a look at this list, by the way look at the ups and downs of the playoffs -

1, LeBron - James, Miami Heat

LeBron like Jordan, in the final moments able to control the overall situation of his shots; LeBron like "Magic" Johnson, to carefully organize the team's offense, while reasonable control of their shots and hit rate; Le Brown, like Pippen, he will use his height, strength, sensation, and sensitivity to keep the key performers on defense contributions, such as Ross, he built out the last shot. LeBron also like - Fisher? Yes, it is Fisher. LeBron can calm down in big storms, to re-pace back for the team, so his teammates returned to normal in the face of adversity. He did not win the regular season MVP, but if you still think that James is not the best player in the world, then you certainly is unfair.

2, Dirk - Dirk Nowitzki, Mavericks

If the NBA All-Star break next season to restore the HORSE tournament, then only need to repeat his Texas to do in the playoffs, can easily get the championship. Dirk shot a few games not just against the "hidden rules" (such as a jumper is two feet are vacant, or when the defender does not require the time shorter than you jump backwards), his shooting and even contrary to physics ,
Tampa Bay Lightning Jersey especially when he shot a distorted "one leg jump." The reason Thunder is out for two main reasons: they are in the final stages of poor offensive execution, and they do not always defend Nowitzki. Impressive is that Dirk in Game 5 did not, as usual, he seems to want to fight a more complete game (so we see that, in addition to 22 points, he also got nine rebounds, and 2 steals, 9 rebounds as the highest individual series). But when the Mavericks need him to stand out, he did not hesitate wire 1:14 left in the game hit a record third time, and this is Dallas, the only person in the fourth quarter three-pointers, but also is only the second half of the second three-pointers. Mavericks in Game 5 Thunder continued strong play inside, but this has not forgotten how to make German drivers hit the long shot at a crucial moment.

3, Dwyane - Dwyane Wade, Miami Heat

Help the team out in the Celtics over the hurdle, the Lightning Man, looks now flattered LeBron and Chris Bosh to step forward to fight the bull. May be due to injury, Wade is not so beautifully shy of the one-third of the ball before the game against Boston when no longer Emmanuel, and his famous breakthrough which has not had less frequent stunt staged. But he proved he can and LeBron, as in the defensive end to become the "bad" in the Eastern Conference finals against the Bulls, he sent out a total of 6 blocks and 8 steals. Remember, Miami is always the Wade site, even after James and Bosh went to Miami as well. So, when Wade willing to act as number two, he only make his team on the basis of the original had only become more powerful.

4, Kevin - Durant, Oklahoma

Yes, he does have flaws in the game;
Ottawa Senators Jersey Yes, he is in the final minute to do is not enough. But there is no doubt that on this planet, very few players have a talent like Durant. Given his humility and his ambition, the failure in this series will be to Durant to a new level. The data in the playoffs he is very beautiful, but in the last 4 games, his vote actually cast pointers lost 25 of 20, which will surely get his attention. In the Western Conference finals, the shot selection is very important, and unfortunately, Durant do in this area is not good. In addition, Durant's rebounding ability was caught the eye. In his rookie season, we have all complained about the youth of Texas is already transformed into an all-around pure shooter, but against the Mavericks and Grizzlies in the series which, he averaged can be grabbed 9 rebounds , while scoring 27.0 points still remain. He still has upside, but this one has grown for so many players, not worth mentioning.

5 - Chris Bosh, Miami

In the playoffs, the defense is everything, if you give opponents the chance to stay good, you're not far away from failure. But Bosh was often able to find in the game such a good opportunity, thanks to his own talent and his two teammates to give him a super help. Bosh is the most common tactics used in the space ball, or shot without hesitation, or to make realistic fake Akira from opponents, and then destroy Huanglong hand dunk. The soft jump shots, dunks violence, and that defensive focus, and that superb athletic ability and basketball IQ, for the
cheap NHL Jersey three Miami offensive line is very important. Few players can do what Bosh is doing now.

