
2011 draft pick of the introduction swing Forwards: Derek - Williams

Derek - this year's NBA draft, Williams is a quasi-second place, the striker hit a rock broke the season, became the focus of attention of many NBA teams ... rookie ...
From the University of Arizona forward Derek - Williams is this year's NBA Draft to the greatest possible threat to prospective champion Kerry - Irwin position players, with this year's NCAA Tournament's outstanding performance, Williams has become a few years, this small hot rookie.
Williams can play both forward positions, 03 2 meters tall and weighs 109.3 kg, the University second-year player, outstanding performance last season, averages 19.5 points, 8.3 rebounds, 1.1 assists,Cheap MLB Jerseys was named to the NCAA Second Team.

Williams started the concern is not particularly attractive to scouts, enter college, he ranked in the ESPN recruiting is the nation's first 72 championship just totally not the kind of sensation in the nation's future star. Freshman season, Williams played well, shot 15.7 +7.1 rebounds data points to win the Rookie of the Pacific region is honor, and was named the best first-year NCAA team. But even so, pick in the major media rankings only for Williams to discuss the progress to the first round only.

Last season, Williams truly usher in the outbreak, in addition to the University of Connecticut Kenba - Walker, the Williams can be said to play another season, the best people. Ranking in ESPN's draft, his pick from the first round of the last paragraph of the initial burst into the lottery, and then in January this year, he entered the top 10, in February in the top 4. NCAA Championship finish in the campaign, Williams made his outstanding overall performance of the further rise in the first 2 has been basically locked the stock market.

Hollinger ESPN experts in the study data, the NCAA last season, Williams is in the most efficient player, and he proved his athletic ability is not like the looks of it the general appearance. According to the draft expert Chad - Ford said he came into contact with NBA teams think that every team Williams is definitely top 5 this year's draft choice, even though no one believes that the future where he can become a super-NBA star, but all promising that he could be a good professional player.

Features Description:
? Technology is more comprehensive.
Paul Hornung Jerseys The offensive end and defensive end more balanced.
* Offense, Williams has an excellent ability to attack low, back playing very agile, score at the end of the performance around the basket full of energy and very efficient attack. Surface of the first basket of his attack is not very good, but last season it has been completely not a problem.
* Shot well, good range. To Williams's height, he may be the best shot with the position players, last season's three-point shooting close to 57%. Whether the ball on the shot, or dribble after the shooting, Williams has a very soft touch. Meanwhile, Williams's hand is very efficient, very few poor shot selection.
* High basketball IQ

* Based on the Williams power forward, his lack of height there, and the lack of good muscular physique, strength is also general.
* The perimeter is still not stable, more general free-throw performance.
* Lack of defensive rebounds. Standing tall as gaps, Williams grabbed the defensive rebounding was not good, he should grab a few rebounds he usually can not be.
* Too many mistakes, averaging 2.6.

Draft Prospects:
Absolute strength, Williams is less than Kerry - Irvine, he was second place at best, but not all players drafted Competition, which usually also need to decide according to the needs of the team. hermes lindy Is expected to eventually pick second place.

