
Santos sign the agreement price to stay Nei Maer Real Madrid against Barcelona poaching secret

Nei Maer disputes fried for a longer heat transfer, Santos contract with the players and the high price, contact the transfer issues with Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid, but Nei Maer I

do not adhere to non-married, the original agreement
discount nfl jerseys because the two sides has long been underground, not to Real Madrid to pay one hundred million euros

breach of contract payments.

President Luis Santos - Oliveira zero radio program guest was adamant that it would not sell Nei Maer, not to mention this summer, is the end of the year after playing the Club

World Cup also let them go: "If you want to get Nei Maer, at least until next year. "Nei Maer agent Ribeiro speak with one voice:" Nei Maer Santos should not be left in the

winter, as I am to judge that he would stay in London in July 2012 after the Olympics, to prepare for the new season, new team. "

Catalan media had exposed material, the Barcelona president Russell and Oliveira had approached the latter Nei Maer to stay strong next year, when Barcelona will be out more

than the contract amount of liquidated damages of 50 million euros delivery. President Santos also talk about themselves and Russell had a good talk, does not necessarily imply

Nei Maer sell Real Madrid: "Ronaldo testimonial when he and I had met, talked Nei Maer significance of football in Brazil, especially generation superstar Ronaldo is just

retired. Florentino very stable, Russell is an interesting man, he worked in Brazil for eight years, Ronaldo married early, and I see him been seen. Real Madrid, Barcelona, ​​

Chelsea, Paris St Germain and Juventus are all
Italy soccer jerseys interested in Nei Maer, this is a very normal thing. "

Run out halfway and then Barcelona would like to Nei Maer, is not so easy. Nei Maer personal intention is to first go to Real Madrid, the Brazilian striker refuses to talk about

their recent tight-lipped about anything to do with Real Madrid, but the magic and the media exposure of the Nei Maer recent or last position of the content, "Le Monde" said Nei

Maer very firmly: " I (Santos) is very happy, but I will go to (Real Madrid), and this no doubt. "

"Le Monde" to continue adding, Nei Maer reason categorically to defect to the Bernabeu, accidental, Florentino has come up with the original signed Figo then use the old way,

the first player in private with the understanding reached, promised to well-paid Lu, but also to punish the exclusivity provisions of the treaty binding the future ownership of

the players, if not in accordance with the agreed to join the Council, you have to pay expensive fines.

The most famous case is the first election in 2000 Real Madrid, Figo follow broker recommendations received at the time only presidential candidate Florentino money,

unanticipated Lafayette played with Luis Figo were the first really upset two years won the Champions League defeat origin Xisang Si throne and repentant of the Portuguese was

the contract bound only defected to leave the Nou Camp
Italy soccer jerseys . The "Le Monde" said Nei Maer fines for breach of contract

signed up to one billion euros.

But Santos attitude or dumb, after they appealed to FIFA threat, just put a profile, contact the players in private unless the parties that it exists shake off, otherwise

nowhere to be found irrefutable evidence. Real Madrid offer generous enough to mention, but did not reach Oliveira psychological level only. President Santos said he turned down

Real Madrid first quote: "Florentino is a very clever gentleman, and the players in the negotiations before he would talk with us first. Dialogue is always there, but we insist

on Nei Maer stay at least until next year We do not need to have no interest to sell him, let me decide if I let him until the end of the contract. "

Santos renewed hope and Nei Maer, the existing amount of € 45 million breach of contract payments to 55 million, "Sao Paulo page" reporter Ricardo - Perrone said the two sides

are close to reaching a consensus. Pakistan A wealthy out very favorable conditions, salary 600 million euros, plus all the image rights income, than Real Madrid out of the 500

million pay +50% portrait even more impressive. It is reported that Red Bull, Panasonic and Sprint Communications and other large multinational companies to retain sponsorship

will help Santos Nei Maer, which can be more than a
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