
NFL teams want to buy Magic 31 years heavily pure dream dawn dew

"Los Angeles Times" news, 52-year-old "Magic" Johnson has a pure dream, it is to Los Angeles again with a NFL (American Football League) team for 31 years in Los Angeles to

fill the vacancy. Johnson is now operational
custom nfl jerseys matter, he wanted to buy the one hand, MLB (Major League Baseball) Dodgers, on the other hand want to

buy an NFL team, and allowed to move to Los Angeles.

Dodgers have announced bankruptcy, is likely to sell. Commenting on the acquisition of his favorite targets when the Dodgers, "Magic" laughed, he said, "If the public sale of

the Dodgers one day, I will group with other people, to buy the Dodgers? Course We will do this, Dodgers brand very loud, but at least today, the Dodgers are still the boss in

operation, perhaps talking about a team owner still has not wise, but I must say, Road is an odd team has a magic brand. "

In addition to the Dodgers interested, the "magician" of the NFL there is a profound feeling. Los Angeles is the largest city in the U.S. West Coast, but it is not rare in the

United States stationed in the city one of the
New england patriots jerseys NFL teams. 1946 to 1980, NFL Los Angeles Rams

was stationed in Los Angeles, was "The Magician" is the Rams season ticket holders. However, after 1980, moved away from the Los Angeles Rams, from never to return, which makes

"Magic" very regrettable.

"Magic" of the pure dream is to buy an NFL team, then moved to Los Angeles to make the team. Commenting on the matter when he said, "Yes, I want to do, because I am a great

football fan."

"Magic" For them to join AEG consortium, began operation of the acquisition. AEG will lead the Los Angeles City Council recently issued $ 300 million bond to build suitable for

high-tech arena NFL game. "Magician" revealed, "I work very hard, trying to work with AEG, the NFL team back to our city, I hope this dream can be realized. I am happy to become

the owner of one of the NFL teams now, we The
Philadelphia eagles jerseys first task is to facilitate issuance of government

bonds, if this thing succeeds, I will become the owner of one of the acquirer. "
It is composed by kittyshinecheapnfljerseyscom 08.02.2011

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